master-ball Catch system PXM

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Rate and Counter System

Each Pokeball has a different Rate and Catch Counter. There are 2 ways to Catch a Pokemon:

  1. Catch by Rate (Luck): You catch the Pokemon by luck, depending on the catch difficulty (base chance) of the Pokemon, and the Rate of the pokeball you use. This probability is fixed, and it means that you captured the Pokemon before reaching the maximum count.
  2. Catch by Counter (Progress): You catch the Pokemon per maximum count. With each pokeball you throw at a certain Pokemon, you add a certain amount of points to that Pokemon's counter, with a limit value based on the Chance of that Pokemon.

For example: You are trying to capture Alakazam. When throwing pokeballs (Ultra Ball), you will receive messages like this:
Your pokeball is broken... Alakazam Catch Counter: 3.2/1500.
Sorry, it failed. Alakazam Catch Counter: 6.4/1500.
Sorry, it failed. Alakazam Catch Counter: 9.6/1500.

With each ball thrown, +3.2 points were added to Alakazam's counter. This value represents the progress you have in some pokemon. For this example, Alakazam's limit would be 1500, that is, if you keep throwing Balls at Alakazam and it doesn't catch by Luck (Rate), it will eventually catch when you reach the end of the counter (Catch by Counter). It's that simple!

In general, the difficulty of catching a Pokemon is linked to its Tier. In addition, the NPC Heather (Where pokemons are sold) varies its prices based on this difficulty, so that its capture and sale is profitable.

Balls catch rate

* Poke Ball (Rate: x1, Catch Counter +1)
* Great Ball (Rate: x2, Catch Counter +1.5)
* Super Ball (Rate: x3, Catch Counter +2.3)
* Ultra Ball (Rate: x4, Catch Counter +3.2)
* Saffari Ball (Rate: x2, Catch Counter +1.5)
* Magu Ball (Rate: x6, Catch Counter +4.6, FIRE/GROUND Types)
* Sora Ball (Rate: x6, Catch Counter +4.6, ICE/FLYING Types)
* Yume Ball (Rate: x6, Catch Counter +4.6, NORMAL/PSYCHIC Types)
* Dusk Ball (Rate: x6, Catch Counter +4.6, ROCK/FIGHTING Types)
* Tale Ball (Rate: x6, Catch Counter +4.6, DRAGON/FAIRY Types)
* Moon Ball (Rate: x6, Catch Counter +4.6, GHOST/DARK Types)
* Net Ball (Rate: x6, Catch Counter +4.6, BUG/WATER Types)
* Janguru Ball (Rate: x6, Catch Counter +4.6, POISON/GRASS Types)
* Tinker Ball (Rate: x6, Catch Counter +4.6, ELECTRIC/STEEL Types)
* Premier Ball (Rate: x8, Catch Counter +5.3, ALL Pokemon Types)
* Hyper Ball (Rate: x22, Catch Counter +12)


  • Clan Catch: For Clan missions, Any Pokeball has a minimum (Rate: x5, Catch Counter +5)
  • Special Pokeballs (From Magu to Premier) are manufactured by the profession of Engineer. You can also get them in Quests or Events in the game.
  • Hyperballs are obtained by Donations or difficult Quests.
  • Phenac Pokemons have a higher capture difficulty, both for Rate and Counter.
  • Use the Command !pokeballs Name that shows all the Pokeballs already spent on a certain Pokemon and the current progress you have in its Counter.
  • Shiny Pokemon also have a counter system, so the Shiny Charm Bonus is vital to facilitate your progress in capturing some Shiny.

master-ball Master Ball

A legendary Pokemon League Award Ball!. It has 100% capture success up to Pokemons Tier 4.5. The captured pokemon will be Unique, boosted +20. This ball can be marketed.

Pokemon Anti-Catch Counter

Every Legendary

  • Articuno
  • Zapdos
  • Moltres
  • Mewtwo
  • Mew
  • Raikou
  • Entei
  • Suicune
  • Lugia
  • Ho-oh
  • Celebi
  • Darkrai
  • Kyogre
  • Groudon
  • Rayquaza